Some time back a friend of mine, Kelvin, in New York asked me to restore a photo for him. I said sure no problem. He said there was a catch, most of the eyes were gone and he said he needed it that next morning. It certainly made things interesting.
I had done a restoration with one eye missing once before on an image and it is much easier when there is one good eye with which to work. Took a bit of effort but I was able to piece together one good eye from the two that were damaged. I had it done for him in plenty of time and he was very pleased. It is always gratifying when I can rescue an old photo.
I tend to be a person that has a short attention span and generally fidgety. I rarely just watch a movie and do nothing else. I am usually doing something on the computer while watching television. So in college when I am sitting through hours of art history lectures I would always have a pencil doodling. Yes I take notes too :-). My notebooks would always be covered in doodles in a wide variety of bizarre things.
I originally created this little piece in Macromedia Director and then did it over later in Flash. It is primitive by today’s standards but it’s fun never the less. —> Adventures
This is the grand relaunching of my personal, “all my eggs in one basket” website. It is exactly opposite of what all of the professionals say a portfolio website should be. I will and do have a website devoted to one specific topic of professional photography and I will have a link here for it soon.
I will be posting new images as I can, as well as, more print and product options as soon as I get more set up.